NOTE 1: Before performing any work on or around the water feature, be sure to educate yourself about all equipment used and take all necessary safety precautions when near the water's edge, any electrical or plumbing components, or systems. If you are unsure about or are unable to perform the following instructions, stop immediately and contact PondWorks.
1. Remove any winterization protections (nets, covers, etc.), any organic matter (leaves, branches, etc.) and skim the water surface.
2. Inspect all visible components of the filtration & circulation system for obvious cracks or leaks.
3. Refill water feature to normal water level. a. Add a dechlorinator product when adding new water from a public water supply.
4. Verify intake (suction) and return (pressure) lines valve's are open.
5. Verify filter valve is set to Filter. Clean filter media, as required.
6. Prime the pump.
7. Turn the pump on (by either plugging into outlets or using switches, depending on your installation).
8. Once water is flowing through the pump, open additional lines valve's as required to have all water lines functioning.
9. Repeat as necessary for each pump / system installed.
10. Visually inspect around filtration and circulation equipment looking for drips, puddles or leaks.
11. Visually inspect around water feature for any obvious leaks.
12. Monitor the feature's water level for 15-30 minutes to verify there are no major leaks.
13. Test the water to verify optimal conditions for fish health, water clarity, etc.
14. Condition the fish, as required.
15. Inspect and feed the fish once the water temperature has risen above 50 degrees F.
16. Fertilize and inspect the hardy plants that have wintered in the water feature, as required.
17. Continue monitoring for 24 hours to verify there are no slow leaks. While Garden and Koi pond construction and maintenance still constitute a large portion of our efforts, PondWorks is currently involved with many other types of aquatic related design and construction projects. Some of these projects include natural swimming pools, traditional pools, custom spas, wetland mitigation, rainwater collection, reflecting pools, and fountains.